Business Booms Fastrack

Work with us one-on-one and get to where you want to be quickly with all the focus on how to implement the framework into your business.


This is right for you if

You want to take control of your business and make it work for you

You want to get to where you want to be in the shortest time

You like to work on a one-to-one basis with all the focus on you and your business

You want to build the business you dreamed of

You’re committed to making a change

What’s the process?

Business Booms Fast Track is four, 90 minute sessions over 12 weeks. In the sessions, we’ll follow the Planning, People and Processes Framework and link them to your situation within your business. At the end of each session, you’ll go away with actions to follow through with so you can start making changes to your business immediately. We’ll agree on the time between sessions, but it’s typically every one or two weeks.

All sessions are done online using Zoom or Teams.

What is the cost?

The cost for this is £997

How to start?

If you’re ready to make the changes you need to take control of your business, fill out the contact form below.

We will ask you some quick questions about your business and then you can book a convenient time slot for us to call you for a no-obligation introductory chat. This is an important part of the process because we all need to know that we’re on the same page about what you want out of it and what we can help you with. It also helps to break the ice before our first session when the real work begins.

Step 1


Step 2

Click the button below to book a convenient time for us to have a chat.  You need to know if this is the right thing for you and we need to know this too.  There is absolutely no obligation to sign up for our programme and we certainly won’t be putting any pressure on you during the call.  We’ll all know whether it’s the right fit once we’ve had a chat, and then it’s up to you.

We use Picktime to schedule our calls so when you click the button you’ll be taken to our schedule.  Choose a time slot that works for you and Picktime will let us know you’ve booked.  We’ll then call you using the number you’ve given us at the time you’ve chosen

Ready To Work Together?

If you’re serious about your business and need some help to get it in order so you can make it work for you, we’d love to hear from you. Just to make it clear, this isn’t a ‘done for you’ solution. This is an “I’m serious about taking control of my business and trying something different” kind of thing. We want you to be in a place where you’re ready and willing to make a change and implement the things we’ll discuss. We want you to learn and grow your skills and knowledge so that eventually you don’t need us.

Fastrack FAQs

The sessions equate to 6 hours in total.  These are to be done within 12 weeks and we set out the schedule for this at the beginning.

To get the most from this experience, you’ll be expected to implement what you are learning into your own business – otherwise, what would be the point?

The time it takes to implement will depend on your business.  What we can say is it will be time well spent.


Yes, we find it best for continuity to work with the same person unless there are circumstances beyond our control such as unexpected illness.

The programme is intended for business owners as they are the decision-makers for their businesses.  If you want your team to join to observe the sessions then that is up to you.  I would however take into consideration how much you are willing to share with your team as we will be talking about your business.  If you think it would make you less open about your answers then we’d suggest you don’t include your team.

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